dear friends, i mean business... i deleted some diorama songs from my mp3-player to strike up the serj tankian album instead :) man, this is one of the most amazing albums ever... right in the middle of my rapture i found out that he'll play in cologne next week. but: sold out. but: thanks god for ebay, now i've got a ticket *jiha* and can't believe that the only concert in germany will take place around the corner... lalala...
und weils so schön ist, hier noch ein paar schmankerl... das video liebe ich... bin total fasziniert von dem künstler und ich will dieses bild haben. hammer :)
i really love this video, i'm fascinated by this artist and i want to have this canvas!
und noch ein schönes lied: beethovens cunt
another great song: beethovens cunt
Man, and I thought my work area was a Art with no boundaries. I'm too uptight for such freedom.